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Support resources

Below I have listed some resources to support you outside of therapy, between sessions and beyond.


​Whatever you are feeling right now, please know that you are never alone, your life matters and there is support available. You are not wasting anyone's time, you are worthy of support and there are people ready and there to support you.


If you feel that you need immediate support to keep yourself safe or your life is in danger, please call 999 or go to your local Accident & Emergency.


Samaritans - free support 24 hours a day 365 days a year - call 116 123.

National Suicide prevention Helpline - available from 6pm - midnight every day -

call 0800 689 5652

Papyrus (for people under the age of 35) - support available 24 hours a day every day - call Hopeline on 0800 068 4141 or text 88247

SANE - SANEline available between 4pm-10pm every day - call 0300 304 7000



Please refer to your safety plan if you have one.

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